Need Assessment

Whatever the planning stage – pre-app, application or appeal – HPC provides the relevant service level

Whilst national Planning Practice Guidance has, for several years, identified the need to provide housing for older people as being ‘critical’, the December 2023 National Planning Policy Framework update further underlined the importance of the care sector. No longer making general reference to older persons accommodation, paragraph 63 now specifically highlights Housing with Care and Care Homes as requiring need assessment by local authorities.

The HPC Need Assessment (whether Care Home or Housing with Care) is designed to provide a clear and concise assessment of need – both current and forecast – to accompany planning applications. The document format is regularly updated, incorporating feedback from local authority planning officers and client planning consultants alike.

Sadly the requirement to advise frequently extends beyond application with Appeal work increasingly common. Our Expert Witness service is available to clients whether or not HPC was involved in the initial application.

To find out more about our services, contact us today.